Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Chemtrails on the Discovery Channel, part 1-3
The Discovery Channel explains in depth the on going mystery and debate over the chemtrail conspiracies.
Discovery Channel dokumentaalfilm chemtrailidest.
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chemtrail movie,
chemtrail test,
Discovery Channel,
fuel test,
Rosalind Peterson
NB!! We Are Change Calgary meets David Keith - Chemtrail / Geo-engineering
Uploaded by DonnyHaze91 on May 26, 2011
On May 24th, 2011 We Are Change Calgary met with David Keith professor of Earth Sciences at University of Calgary, who was featured in the film "What in the World are They Spraying" outlining proposals for aerosol spraying programs that may use alumina particles to reflect the sun to help combat "Global Warming." David Keith has stated he has not seen the film and that he would not want to see it because the producer is biased in his opinion and built the evidence around the conclusion and not the other way around.
The meeting was attended by about 10 We Are Change Calgary members, and David Keith and his Assistants Hollie Roberts and Ashley Mercer (who works on public perception of geo-engineering) . David Keith has always denied that Chemtrail spraying operations are ongoing, while promoting Geo-engineering "proposals". We must remember that in a CFR meeting it was stated that there were Tens of Millions spent on confusing the public about Geo-engineering.
Loe edasi / Read more
The meeting was attended by about 10 We Are Change Calgary members, and David Keith and his Assistants Hollie Roberts and Ashley Mercer (who works on public perception of geo-engineering) . David Keith has always denied that Chemtrail spraying operations are ongoing, while promoting Geo-engineering "proposals". We must remember that in a CFR meeting it was stated that there were Tens of Millions spent on confusing the public about Geo-engineering.
Loe edasi / Read more
David Keith,
Geo-Engineering Coverup,
Geo-Engineering scientist,
We Are Change Calgary
G. Edward Griffin - Üleskutse Chemtrail uurijatele / Chemtrail Investigators Wanted
Lingi artiklile saatis Kaire.
2011 May 27, from G. Edward Griffin
Important update!
"Chemtrail Investigators Wanted."
Can Chemtrails be proved?
This is an updated version of the notice I sent to you yesterday. I awoke this morning with the realization that I had omitted several important aspects of the project.
They involve the need for photographic documentation and a uniform template for recording observations of aircraft.
I also fine-tuned the rest of the text, so please bear with me and go through the whole thing again. This could be one of the best opportunities we ever have had to expose the Evil Empire.
It seems that the die-hard skeptics refuse to believe what they see with their own eyes.
No matter how many laboratory tests we collect, they always manage to come up with a theory that, no matter how far fetched it is, would explain the high levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium in our snow and rain water as merely due to some climate condition or error in preparing the chemical sample or some unintended human interaction.
Loe edasi / Read more
Lingi artiklile saatis Kaire.
2011 May 27, from G. Edward Griffin
Important update!
"Chemtrail Investigators Wanted."
Can Chemtrails be proved?
This is an updated version of the notice I sent to you yesterday. I awoke this morning with the realization that I had omitted several important aspects of the project.
They involve the need for photographic documentation and a uniform template for recording observations of aircraft.
I also fine-tuned the rest of the text, so please bear with me and go through the whole thing again. This could be one of the best opportunities we ever have had to expose the Evil Empire.
It seems that the die-hard skeptics refuse to believe what they see with their own eyes.
No matter how many laboratory tests we collect, they always manage to come up with a theory that, no matter how far fetched it is, would explain the high levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium in our snow and rain water as merely due to some climate condition or error in preparing the chemical sample or some unintended human interaction.
Loe edasi / Read more
G. Edward Griffin,
Chemtrail dokumentaalfilm - "Aerosol Crimes" by Clifford Carnicom (1-9)
We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes.
Terve film / Full documentary (1-9):
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Elistverest salvestatud taevas täna kell 11.00. 27.05.2011 & pildid Soomest
chemtrail curve,
criss cross,
27 mai õppematerjal
Saaremaa kohal täna hommikul
kolm ja voila!
Kuidas teha kunstpilvi nii, et mitte keegi mitte midagi ei märkaSaaremaa kohal täna hommikul
criss cross,
HAARP Technology,
Thursday, May 26, 2011
mnjaa küsimus
Kas olen see ainult mina see ainus idioot aga mul on tõsine probleem. Mul on võimatu kommenteerida. Mind paisatakse sisselogimisele lehele iga kord, kui tahan kommentaari postitada. Kas see on tehniline? äkki keegi aitab
pole seda nagu varem ette tulnud
aga, et püsida teemas paar tänaõhtust pilti. Saaremaa 26 mai.
pole seda nagu varem ette tulnud
aga, et püsida teemas paar tänaõhtust pilti. Saaremaa 26 mai.
"Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering"
In this video starting at the 2:40, M. Granger Morgan states: “First of all, of course, there is a lot of money getting spent to make sure that a very substantial portion of the public stays totally confused about this. And, I mean, it’s been really quite pernicious. But there’s been literally tens of millions of dollars spent on every little thing that comes along that might, you know, relate to some uncertainty.”
M. Granger Morgan is the head of the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. In this video, he is speaking at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting on “Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering.” The transcript for the meeting can be found here (on the CFR website).
Terve kohtumine / Full meeting (1-7):
In this video starting at the 2:40, M. Granger Morgan states: “First of all, of course, there is a lot of money getting spent to make sure that a very substantial portion of the public stays totally confused about this. And, I mean, it’s been really quite pernicious. But there’s been literally tens of millions of dollars spent on every little thing that comes along that might, you know, relate to some uncertainty.”
M. Granger Morgan is the head of the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. In this video, he is speaking at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting on “Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering.” The transcript for the meeting can be found here (on the CFR website).
Terve kohtumine / Full meeting (1-7):
Chemtrail Cover-Up,
Council on Foeign Relations,
Global Warming,
M. Granger Morgan,
Millions spent
Chemtrails - Criminal Low-Level Spraying, Illegal Flying &Trail vs No Trail
From: 3rdEyeDear Jan 28, 2009
The way out of this mess is mass awareness so let's make the masses aware and see what can be done. Be part of the solution. Dedicated to everybody getting the word out.
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26 mai Kuressaares
Saaremaa taevas õnnestus tänase päeva jooksul totaalselt ära sodida. Kas keegi palun lisaks siia juudre sateliidipildi Eesti ja Läänemere kohalt? nt seeriana. Või paneks siiasamma üles lingi, kus neid vaadata saab. Täna oli siin piirkonnas väga selge päev nii, et päris hästi peaks olema näha triibumustrit kosmosest.
2011(a)+146(päeva aastas)
Muutes lingis oleva aasta päeva numbrit saab jälgida teisi fotosid.
2011(a)+146(päeva aastas)
Muutes lingis oleva aasta päeva numbrit saab jälgida teisi fotosid.
Weather warfare, chemtrails, on the History Channel
Weather warfare techniques are finally admitted to on mainstream media.
Will the public finally wake up to the constant spraying and geoengineering that's taking place all over the planet, right above our heads..?
History Channel / Weather Warfare / Chemtrails / HAARP / ELF Frequencies / Aerosol, heavy metal spraying / Brzezinski and the Technetronic Era
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History Channel,
Weather Warfare
Chemical Spray over Sydney! Dubbo Tv News
Australia, year 2009
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26 mai Kuressaares
Kummaline oli see, et selle lennuki häält ma ei kuulnud. Kas osad lennukid lendavad hääletult?
Väga palju lendas neid järsku üle, aga häält tegid nagu vähesed..see võis ka tunduda..
Lisaks ei lennanud mitte ükski lennuk teises suunas...põiki ja risti üle küll
Imeliselt selge taevas oli Kuressaares täna hommikul. Kas keegi on veel täheldanud, et enne triibutamise algust on taevas lennusabadest rist nagu +? Ma olen seda täheldanud kokku 3 korral. Kokkusattumus, normaalne lennutegevus? Ei tea..äkki nii märgitakse ära piirkond?Siin saab näha, kuidas lennusabast moodustub triip...
Mis mõne aja möödudes kauniks kiudpilveks muundub. Ei teegi kusjuures vahet.
Praeguseks on Kuressaare taevas kerges vines. Ja ma saan 100% öelda, et nägin seda pealt ning dokumenteerisin kuidas seda tehti/tekkis
criss cross,
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
24 mai Kuressaares
HAARP Technology,
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Hiinlased teevad vihma
4/19/2011 -- Proof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China
Lingi videole saatis A.Õ.
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Lingi videole saatis A.Õ.
_ _ _
China TV,
China weather modification,
cloud seeding,
ilmastiku manipulatsioon,
weather manipulation
Fotod ja ajaleheartikli link Nõmme Raadiost.
Nädalavahetus Võrumaal.
Fotod ja ajaleheartikli lingi saatis Margus Lepa - Nõmme Raadio saatejuht
"Millions were in germ war tests"
Much of Britain was exposed to bacteria sprayed in secret trials
Antony Barnett, public affairs editor
The Observer, Sunday 21 April 2002
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Lisame BBC dokfilmi samal artiklis kirjutatud teemal:
Clouds of Secrecy-Government Chemical Spraying Chemtrails, Pt.1-3
This is an investigation which was aired on the BBC INSIDE OUT program on Monday 6th November 2006..
Between 1953 and 1964 top secret trials were carried out using a chemical concoction of zinc cadmium sulphide to simulate how a cloud would disperse biological agents.
The unsuspecting population in the East of England was sprayed covertly with the poisonous compound at least 76 times.
_ _ _
BBC Inside Out,
Britain germ war tests,
Chemtrail article,
Clouds of Secrecy,
Margus Lepa,
Nõmme Raadio,
Kallid blogiväisajad
Kuna paljud kommentaatorid on juhtinud tähelepanu asjaolule, et meil ei ole piisavalt avatud meelt ega teadmisi ega analüüsivõimet, kutsun neid ja kõiki teisi
vaatama Jüri Lina suurfilmi ""TÄITMATU UROBOROS. Massoonide salakaval taktika"
Tegemist on triloogia viimase osaga
Esilinastused Eestis:
Neljapäeval, 2. juunil kell 19 Tallinnas kinos ”Sõprus” (pileti hind 5 eurot). Tallinnas enne filmi koostöös Raadio 2-ga loeng sellest, miks selle filmi väntamine oli hädatarviklik.
Reedel, 3. juunil Tartus kell 19 Dorpati konverentsikeskuses, Turu 2, TASKU, Baeri kinosaalis (pileti hind 5 eurot). Sissepääs jalgsi Turu tänavalt, autoga Soola tänavalt.
Pühapäeval, 5. juunil kell 17 Pärnus, hotelli ”Strand” kinosaalis Tammsaare pst 35 (pileti hind 5 eurot).
Algul on juttu filmi valmimise taustast, lõpuks on võimalik esitada küsimusi.
Filmi treilerit saab näha siit:
ja siis räägime uuesti, kes meist on peast soe, kes leige ja kes ei tunne üldse midagi ning need, kelle jaoks on kõik täiesti normaalnne
ja võibolla julgeme siis rääkida asjadest, mis tõelist julgust nõuavad
vaatama Jüri Lina suurfilmi ""TÄITMATU UROBOROS. Massoonide salakaval taktika"
Tegemist on triloogia viimase osaga
Esilinastused Eestis:
Neljapäeval, 2. juunil kell 19 Tallinnas kinos ”Sõprus” (pileti hind 5 eurot). Tallinnas enne filmi koostöös Raadio 2-ga loeng sellest, miks selle filmi väntamine oli hädatarviklik.
Reedel, 3. juunil Tartus kell 19 Dorpati konverentsikeskuses, Turu 2, TASKU, Baeri kinosaalis (pileti hind 5 eurot). Sissepääs jalgsi Turu tänavalt, autoga Soola tänavalt.
Pühapäeval, 5. juunil kell 17 Pärnus, hotelli ”Strand” kinosaalis Tammsaare pst 35 (pileti hind 5 eurot).
Algul on juttu filmi valmimise taustast, lõpuks on võimalik esitada küsimusi.
Filmi treilerit saab näha siit:
ja siis räägime uuesti, kes meist on peast soe, kes leige ja kes ei tunne üldse midagi ning need, kelle jaoks on kõik täiesti normaalnne
ja võibolla julgeme siis rääkida asjadest, mis tõelist julgust nõuavad
It's unnacceptable that Chemtrail Tankers are a documented Hazard to passengers and crew using Commercial Aviation. Judging from these few examples it appears that Air Force and NATP jets have no way to see or be seen by Air Traffic Control. Also, these tankers appear to be operting blindly at altitudes intended for commercial traffic
22.mai 2011.Lääne -Virumaal

Kaks alumist püsivat jutti jätsid taevasse Prantsuse lennukid. Ülemise jättis Hiina lennuk aga selle peene juti tegi väiksematsorti lennuk mida lennuradar üldse EI näidanud. POLNUDKI OLEMAS. Fantaasia vili vist...
Monday, May 23, 2011
Chemtrails: Sr. Rosalie Bertell, PhD
In May 2005, snowshoefilms interviewed epidemiologist Rosalie Bertell (Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart) in New York City. Questions covered a wide range of topics, including 'chemtrails.' Here's a 2009 updated edit of that interview, with chemtrail footage from Sister Bertell's Mother House in Yardley, Pennsylvania (2007) and video from Chautauqua, N.Y. Note: Cliff Carnicom (LA, May 17 2008 Chemtrail Convergence) calls attention to 3 aspects of chemtrails: ionized metalic salts, organic fibers, and dessicated red blood cells.
Dokumentaalfilm - "HAARP Klimaatilised relvad" (2010)
"HAARP Klimaatilised relvad" (2010)
Autor: Galina Tsareva
Filmis räägitakse klimaatiliste relvade omadustest ja kasutusest, nende väljatöötamisest NSVL-dus ja USA-s, HAARP kompleksist Alaskal, looduskatastroofidest, mõjust inimteadvusele, anomaalsest kuumusest ja põlengutest Venemaal 2010 a. suvel.
( teises osas on juttu ka chemtrailidest )
Lingid saatis F.T.
_ _ _
Climate weapons,
dokfilm vene keeles,
Galina Tsarevoi,
HAARP Technology,
Klimaatilised relvad,
Kaks pilti.
Mõlemal pildil on ühe sama lennuki tegevus. Ma vist ei hakka ise neid üles panema, et kui soovite siis võite seda teha.
_ _ _
Chemtrail spreioperatsioonid näidatuna Doppler Radari poolt
From: robertmacleod | Aug 12, 2010
This video contains a collection of screen captures depicting Chemtrail Spray Operations showing up on National Weather Service Doppler Radar over various cities in the Western US. The video describes in detail why the linear cloud formations are not persistent contrails resulting from jet engine exhaust since cirrus type clouds can not be detected by Doppler Weather Radar. More Detailed analysis can be accessed on my website at http://WatchTheSky.Org
Kommentaarid videole / video comments:
So...if these are "chemtrails" ...and doppler radar depicts "chemtrails"...then why are they not identified everyday? Why only this one screen capture?
Supposedly "chemtrails" are "sprayed" daily all around the world...and if that were the case- according to you- they would be visible daily on radar all around the world.
Do you have any more screen shots of "chemtrails" on radar? or just this one...?
ScoobySnaks1 1 month ago
@ScoobySnaks1 There are about ten different screen captures in the video from various cities and times and dates. The reason you do not see Chemtrails on radar anymore is that in 2006 the NWS downgraded the sensitivity of Doppler Radars. From what I can tell Doppler radar displays from NWS sites now only depict data operating in what is called Precipitation mode and no longer display in Clear Air mode which is much more sensitive. I think they realized Chemtrails were showing up on the Radar.
robertmacleod 1 month ago
Loe rohkem / Read more:
chemtrails on radar,
Doppler Radar,
Sunday, May 22, 2011
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