Tuesday, March 29, 2011



  1. BlueBeam projektiga seoses meenuvad hiljutised pöörlevad püramiidid Moskvas Kremli kohal (2009)ja Hiinas Xi'an-is (2010). Samuti spiraalraketid eri paigus. Videod kõigist youtube's olemas, kui need on autentsed (püramiidid) siis arvan et tõesti pigem orbiidilt aparatuuriga tekitatud hologrammid. Meenub ka ulmeraamat Mirabeelia sarjast "Trifiidide päev", seal jäid kosmoserelva hävimise tagajärjel tekkinud valgusmängu (meteoorisadu) jälginud inimesed pimedaks. Juhul kui 2012 lõpus taevas midagi enneolematut sündima hakkab, siis ma ei imestaks vaid hoiaks oma silmi..

  2. Hea artikkel Blue Beam projekti eestkõneleja Serge Monaste teemal.

    Project Blue Beam Exposed! (UPDATED)
    Anyone who spends anytime looking into the UFO phenomena has probably seen the words "Project Blue Beam" - often misspelled - show up when any aerial anomalies are being discussed online.

    "Blue Beam" has become such a catch-all that it's now applied to any sighting, no matter how trivial. It's also been stretched to explain phenomena that have nothing to do with UFOs at all. You often see it conflated with HAARP, a very real program that's also been stretched to explain anything that might otherwise require actual thought to deal with.

    We saw any number of claims that the balloon show on October 13 was itself the work of this mythical Blue Beam, even though the event itself has little to do with the claims of the original "Project Blue Beam" essay, which was published online by the radical Fundamentalist and Quebec separatist Serge Monast. "Blue Beam" has been dated to 1994, but I don't remember hearing anything about it until at least 1996, when Monast died of an apparent heart attack. But 1994 is very, very important to the chain of events we're going to look at in this piece.
